Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Our Intended Audience

Intended audience

Name: Lucinda Davis
Age: 18
Job: Part time sales assistant at weekend
Likes: spending time with friends, festivals, commercial music, fashion, reality shows
Dislikes: heavy metal music, staying in, the dark, winter
Bio: Jade is studying in year 13 studying a-levels at a sixth form college. Lucinda likes to go out to clubs and socialise with her friends on Friday and Saturday nights.  On Saturdays she works as a sales assistant in her local supermarket. 

Social grade system: Lucinda would probably fall into category E on the social grade system because her job is unskilled and quite low paid. Her social group would also be people I grade E who are unemployed and do not have part time jobs.
Socio-economic beliefs: Lucinda would be classed as a social climber because she works to buy clothes and make up, she lives for the materialistic things in her life therefore she is classified as a social climber.

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