Thursday, October 20, 2011

Methods for research


-          Cheap
-          Quick and easy
-          Its primary research
-          Designed by you
-          Target a wide variety
-          Mainly quantative
-          Distribution
-          Basic information
-          Not a full answer
-          Forces people to answer
-          Mainly closes q’s
Open questions
-          Qualitative response
-          They get a chance to develop the points

-          Hard to categorize
-          Hard to collate
-          Pragmatic implications may be hard to interpret
Focus group
-          Qualitative response
-          Variety of answers
-          Cheap
-          Spontaneous response
-          Realistic
-          Selection of people
-          Hard on categorize
-          Less realistic
-          Give you answers you don’t expect
-          People that dominate
-          People that are shy
Random/Accidental sampling
-          Should produce representative results
-          Lots of people who may not have much knowledge
Volunteer sampling
-          Should have knowledge and will be interested
-          Volunteers may just tell you what you want to hear
-          Biased response
Quota sampling
-          You get to choose the people you need
-          Although sample suits you, it is not representative of anyone outside group

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