Thursday, October 20, 2011


Questionnaire – primary market research for Kate Nash music video!
1.      Does a music video influence whether or not you would buy a song?


2.      What is your age range?


3.      What is your favourite genre of music?


4.      What is your favourite music video?


5.      What would you say makes a music video enjoyable?


6.      Are you aware of the artist Kate Nash?


7.      Do you enjoy the music of Kate Nash?


8.      What would you imagine to be in a pop video?


9.      What themes or lyrics would you expect from a pop video?


10.  Where do you consume music videos?

Methods for research


-          Cheap
-          Quick and easy
-          Its primary research
-          Designed by you
-          Target a wide variety
-          Mainly quantative
-          Distribution
-          Basic information
-          Not a full answer
-          Forces people to answer
-          Mainly closes q’s
Open questions
-          Qualitative response
-          They get a chance to develop the points

-          Hard to categorize
-          Hard to collate
-          Pragmatic implications may be hard to interpret
Focus group
-          Qualitative response
-          Variety of answers
-          Cheap
-          Spontaneous response
-          Realistic
-          Selection of people
-          Hard on categorize
-          Less realistic
-          Give you answers you don’t expect
-          People that dominate
-          People that are shy
Random/Accidental sampling
-          Should produce representative results
-          Lots of people who may not have much knowledge
Volunteer sampling
-          Should have knowledge and will be interested
-          Volunteers may just tell you what you want to hear
-          Biased response
Quota sampling
-          You get to choose the people you need
-          Although sample suits you, it is not representative of anyone outside group

Intended Institution Analysis

Intended institution analysis

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Our Intended Audience

Intended audience

Name: Lucinda Davis
Age: 18
Job: Part time sales assistant at weekend
Likes: spending time with friends, festivals, commercial music, fashion, reality shows
Dislikes: heavy metal music, staying in, the dark, winter
Bio: Jade is studying in year 13 studying a-levels at a sixth form college. Lucinda likes to go out to clubs and socialise with her friends on Friday and Saturday nights.  On Saturdays she works as a sales assistant in her local supermarket. 

Social grade system: Lucinda would probably fall into category E on the social grade system because her job is unskilled and quite low paid. Her social group would also be people I grade E who are unemployed and do not have part time jobs.
Socio-economic beliefs: Lucinda would be classed as a social climber because she works to buy clothes and make up, she lives for the materialistic things in her life therefore she is classified as a social climber.

Maslows Heirachy of Needs

Abraham Maslow is an American psychologist. He created a “Hierachy of needs” which start from the bottom and reaches to the top. Maslow argues that most people never reach the top which is ‘Self Actualisation’. Our target audience have reached physiolocial needs, safety needs and we categorize them in Belongingness and love needs. We have put them into this group because we believe our intended target audience still need that feeling of accomplishment and we don't think they have achieved one's full potential.

Demographics and psychographics

Sex - This is important as women and male both want different needs. Stereotypically women would prefer romance, fun and general happiness whereas the male stereotype is being drunk and dancing with ladies barely clothed. The helps us define the demographic as we can appeal to our target audience.
Age - The different generations make it hard for people to be in the same demographic as the younger generation are new and up to date and the older generation may still be interested in what they were brought up too. This means the older generation have no interest at all in electro or drum and bass and are more into 60’s/70’s/080’s and 90’s music and the young generation are influenced by the charts and most played music.
Social Status – The social status has an impact on music genres as the higher class would prefer to listen to calm, mellow music so stereotypically they would rather listen to classical music as they can afford to buy music and have the status of being able to listen to that type of music. However the lower class would be generally happy with whatever music is played on radio’s, music channels etc.
Marital Status – This has a vast impact as if you’re married or in a relationship you will prefer the happy and positive ‘love’ songs as the lyrics could relate the type of niche market whereas if you are single you’re more likely to listen to all types of loves song but mainly the type of love song where the lyrics relate to ‘finding love’. Additionally if you’re single and had a breakup then the ‘broken heart love songs’ are popular for people in that issue for both men and women.
Occupation and Industry – If you’re in a well-paid occupation stereotypically you will not listen to a many types of genres as they would rather listen to care and relaxing music. Whereas most people with a part time job or still very young would want to be up to date with the music in the charts and from their personality that type of genre.
Children – Children will want to hear cheerful and quite upbeat songs with light lyrics and the demographic is straight forward as they will not listen to any violent, sexual or bad influenced songs.
Income – People with higher paid jobs have the domestic cash to spare and are able to buy music they would be able to afford albums and have all of the artists songs whereas the less paid may buy just the single released to save them money. Therefore is an important demographic as the pricing needs to be spot on and use different methods of pricing
Household Tensure – This is a vital demographic because the disposable income left after all bills have been paid as most people with full time jobs have debts to pay before they think about buying music. Also many people may have children and have to put their needs before using their income to buy music.
Education – Education is a huge influence on school pupils as the people you socialise with has an effect on what genre of music you like.

Catergorising our audience

When categorising our audience we wanted to be really specific as to whom we wanted to target.  To make sure that we targeted the right people we began looking at models such as the social grade system.  The social grade system classifies people into groups depending on their occupation, and puts them into a group between A-E.

Below is a table demonstrating the Social Grade System.

Higher managerial, administrative and professional
4 %
Intermediate managerial, administrative and professional
Supervisory, clerical and junior management, administration and professional
Skilled manual workers
Semi-skilled manual workers
State pensioners, casual and lowest grade workers, unemployed with state benefits only


The next classification system we looked at was socio-economic values. This helped us look at the different values of people have and how we categorise them into named sections. 

Below is a table demonstrating the Socio-Economic Value system.

Those that like routine and want security
Social Climbers
Those who have strong materialistic drive and like status symbols
Care Givers
Those who believe in caring and sharing
For whom personal growth and influencing social change are important to

Monday, October 10, 2011

Targetting an audience

When targeting an audience, many factors should be considered.  There are many ways to decide who to target, people can be determined into catergories which may help producers choose and name which groups of people they want to aim there media product at. 
There are different ways to to target an audience, and different levels of how many people you target.

In the case of music videos, the factors that should be considered when deciding who to target should be; which part of the Social Grade System they fall into, their Socio-Economic values, their demographics, psychographics and also Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.  All of these factors will be considered when we choose which audience we will target with our music video.

For a product to succeed it must be ‘mutually beneficial’.  This means that the consumer will benefit from the product because they will enjoy it, in this case enjoy the music.  And for the creator, it is beneficial to them, as they will be provided with an income.
Audience size and reaction are often seen as a way of measuring success.  One way of measuring the audience size, is to use a company called BARB (Broadcasters Audience Research Board).
BARB  is an organision that shows the total viewing figures for indiviual programs and also channels every day.  Below is a print screen of the TV viewings of music channel; 4Music, showing their most viewed show to be "Uk Hot Top 40 of 2011 So Far".

It shows us the most popular shows that are viewed also.  This can be useful for television channels to work out how much they can charge for adverts in between programs.  For example, the more views a show gets, the higher it would be to place an advert in.  Popular itv show X-Factor charged a staggering £250, 000 for a 30 second advert in their live final.

  • Mass media is when you appeal to the masses.
  • Broadcasting is showing over 20 million people.
  • Narrowcasting is the opposite to broadcasting, and targets a niche audience.
Targetting an audience must be thought about for a long time due to the amount of different factors involved.  There are many new ways to advertise and reach an audience due to the prolifferation of media technology in the last 10 years.  For example the increase and popularity of facebook and also twitter can be a new way for marketing directors to focus on advertising.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Texutal analysis of a third music video

Textual analysis of Foundations by Kate Nash
I have chosen to analyse the video of Foundations by Kate Nash, as she is our chosen artist and therefore this will help us to establish what we want to do with our music video and what sort of props, costumes, shots and styles we will use in our video.

When listening to Kate Nash’s single Foundation, the line ‘my fingertips are holding onto the cracks in our foundations’ is repeated throughout.  This is used to represent the breakup of a relationship. Throughout the music video, there are shots used to represent this line, for example in the shot below the male moves his feet in closer to hers and she moves hers away to suggest a distance and split between the couple.


As you can see from the picture above which is the first shot of the whole video, it is a picture of 2 toothbrushes, although this is random, as they are blue and pink they’re representing a boy and a girl. Use of these stereotypical colours uses intertexuality through sex and gender stereotypes to help the audience identify what the song is about.

The mis-en-scene in this shot is bright coloured and happy, I think it represents the relationship that Kate is singing about, in the clip; the male (we expect) leans in and picks one strawberry off. This represents the ‘cracks in our foundations’ she quickly tries to fix the cake but, this is representing the fall down of their relationship through a cake.


This close up is used of the artist to show a closeness to her, it gives the audience a close look at her, which makes a connection to make the audience relate to what she is singing about.

A close up of the couples feet is then shown, I believe this shows the once closeness there once was between them, as during this shot they pull their feet away from each other to become separated, again reflecting back to the mainline of the chorus.

A high angle shot is used here to show Kate’s vulnerability and loneliness, a high angle shot is always used to make the character look weak and show that they are in a vulnerable position. The theme and subject of the song suits the high angle show.

In terms of editing, different to most pop songs, this music video has alot of long shots, one lasting up to fifteen seconds, this show’s Kate Nash’s variety through her music.  The song is quite emotional and reaches out to the audience therefore the shots are quite focussed on her.  Although this is contrasted by the shots at the beginning which are fast moving and rapidly edited, this shows the difference in tempo and beat of the music.

There is no use of voyeurism in this video unlike other pop video’s, I think that because this is a music between indie and pop, it doesn’t quite follow the conventions in terms of voyeurism, however the style of music is definitely considered pop despite the lack of this convention.

Although Kate Nash doesn’t follow the conventions of pop in the sense of voyeurism, the music is still of the pop style, however she makes it her own by adding an alternative twist to it, with her own vintage style and fashion sense.  Such as the preppy dresses she wears and the sets of the music video seem quite old fashion and antique.