Thursday, December 8, 2011

Risk Assessment Day 2

Risk assessment of Day 2 shooting
Location: White wall (studio effect) in a house
There are minimal dangers when filming inside a house.
-           Slipping over on laminate flooring - but this can easily be prevented by wearing shoes and taking care when walking or dancing around
-          Banging head on wall – taking care when moving

Shooting Day 2

Shooting Day 2
With our new actress ready to go, we began day 2 of shooting.  We planned to begin at 3:30 but by the time we got started, it was around 4:00.  We faced problems as it was quite dark by the time we were ready to begin. This meant that we couldn’t shoot the parts that we wanted too. So we headed back to a location which was inside where the outside light was irrelevant and filmed there instead.


In the pictures above, you can see that it was far too dark to shoot, this is when we decided to go back home and use a plain white wall as the background for our shoot. Here are some pictures of that.

Below are some pictures of how we set up the camera when we were actually shooting.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Ancillary Task: Magazine Analysis: Kate Nash

Ancillary Task: Template of a digipak

This is the digipak template that we will use to help us design our digipak for Kate Nash’s album.  We have chosen a 6 panelled digi pak so that we will be able to show the biggest range of pictures.
On the front picture we want to include a close up of the main character.  This will draw in buyers, because they will be attracted to the picture of her, they will also recognise her as the artist which will increase sales.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Ancillary Task: What is a digi-pak?

What is a digi-pak?

A digipak is a style of CD packaging. Typically they consist of a book style outer binding with one or more plastic trays, in which CD’s are placed. It was created in 2000 and has been very popular since.
The information needed to go on to the digipak is the track list, the album title and a picture of either the artist or the band. It will also include information of which record label the performer is a part of.

The most common size is the 4pp Digipak which measures 139.5mm x 6mm x 125.5 mm.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Evaluation of progress

Evaluation of progress so far
To evaluate our progress so far, we have to look at all aspects of the course. When it comes to blogging we would say that we are working at and averagely good level. The quality of our blogs is at a high and detailed standard so far.
We have used different media in our blogging, for example we have included pictures, photos and mood boards as well as textual blogs.

Risk Assessment Day 1

Risk assessment of Day 1 shooting
Location: Forest in Shenfield
-          Slipping on wet grass or leaves in the forest – can be prevented by walking carefully and being alert at all times
-          Tripping over sticks and logs in the forest – can be prevented by taking care at all times and making sure you look when walking
-          Crossing the road on the way to location – danger can be prevented by always looking when crossing the road

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Shooting Day 1

Shooting Day 1
On our day on of shooting, we went to a forest and filmed some basic shots to use all through the song.  The footage that we got was not quite what we wanted and so therefore we planned to change our initial ideas of footage and have chosen a different girl to star in our video.

I have created a shooting schedule to help us plan our day of shooting our music video. Below I made a timetable of what we will be doing on the day. As both I and Rachael had other subject lessons in the morning we know the earliest we could start to film was 11.20am.


11.00am – I and Rachael will meet in the Media Room. Firstly we must remember to check we have the correct equipment, the camera is fully charged, we have a Tripod and the connector for the camera and tripod.

11.20am – Leave school and start heading towards our location with all our equipment. This walk is roughly 15minutes from school

11.40am – Arrive at location, soon as we arrive we should try setting up quickly as possible, moving the Camera in position, getting ourselves into our costumes, hair and make-up all ready. 

12.00pm- Start our first shoot, which will be the first two line of the song, just standing in-between trees with leaves on the floor and miming the lyrics from a mid shoot, then again close up. Throughout the rest of the day film from all different angles so when editing, it flows.

12-00pm – 2pm - Two hours to continue filming. Here we will do shots of both me and Rachael lip singing the lyrics, close up, mid shot, full length shot and an idea of filming our lips as we mime the lyrics.

2.15pm – Pack away all equipment and get ready to start walking back to school for the end of the day.

Planning diary


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Props and costumes

Above is a mood board of props and costumes that we intend to use in our music video. The costumes we plan to use in our video are very girly. 

Floral is a pattern that represents girls and their light hearted attitude so our character will wear floral to show happiness and a cute side of the girl. 

Also the leopard print fur coat is included to show an interest in fashion. 

The bottle of mouthwash is convenient to the song so as the song is called mouthwash and the lyrics ' and i use mouthwash' this is a good idea to use mouthwash in the video to relate to the lyrics from a visual point of view. 

We have researched different lolipops that would fit in our video perfectly and we decided the 'wirly pop' lolipops were the best. This is because they are colourful, very big and also very 'Americian' by being Amercian these lolipops are sold in america.

We have a bubble machine that we will use, this is to create a different setting. The bubbles would make the setting very flowly and dreamy. With our actress wearing a floral dress during this scene the bubbles would be used, it will make it another different background and the bubbles blowing out would fit in well with the beat of the song.

Settings and Locations

Settings and Locations

The first setting we decided to choose was a bathroom; we chose this because the song is based around ‘Mouthwash’ so this is something we have chosen to play on. We wanted to do a shot of someone using mouthwash and then spitting it out into the sink, and then to water would form a word. This would be shot in a bathroom.




Inspirations and Influences

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Questionnaire – primary market research for Kate Nash music video!
1.      Does a music video influence whether or not you would buy a song?


2.      What is your age range?


3.      What is your favourite genre of music?


4.      What is your favourite music video?


5.      What would you say makes a music video enjoyable?


6.      Are you aware of the artist Kate Nash?


7.      Do you enjoy the music of Kate Nash?


8.      What would you imagine to be in a pop video?


9.      What themes or lyrics would you expect from a pop video?


10.  Where do you consume music videos?

Methods for research


-          Cheap
-          Quick and easy
-          Its primary research
-          Designed by you
-          Target a wide variety
-          Mainly quantative
-          Distribution
-          Basic information
-          Not a full answer
-          Forces people to answer
-          Mainly closes q’s
Open questions
-          Qualitative response
-          They get a chance to develop the points

-          Hard to categorize
-          Hard to collate
-          Pragmatic implications may be hard to interpret
Focus group
-          Qualitative response
-          Variety of answers
-          Cheap
-          Spontaneous response
-          Realistic
-          Selection of people
-          Hard on categorize
-          Less realistic
-          Give you answers you don’t expect
-          People that dominate
-          People that are shy
Random/Accidental sampling
-          Should produce representative results
-          Lots of people who may not have much knowledge
Volunteer sampling
-          Should have knowledge and will be interested
-          Volunteers may just tell you what you want to hear
-          Biased response
Quota sampling
-          You get to choose the people you need
-          Although sample suits you, it is not representative of anyone outside group

Intended Institution Analysis

Intended institution analysis

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Our Intended Audience

Intended audience

Name: Lucinda Davis
Age: 18
Job: Part time sales assistant at weekend
Likes: spending time with friends, festivals, commercial music, fashion, reality shows
Dislikes: heavy metal music, staying in, the dark, winter
Bio: Jade is studying in year 13 studying a-levels at a sixth form college. Lucinda likes to go out to clubs and socialise with her friends on Friday and Saturday nights.  On Saturdays she works as a sales assistant in her local supermarket. 

Social grade system: Lucinda would probably fall into category E on the social grade system because her job is unskilled and quite low paid. Her social group would also be people I grade E who are unemployed and do not have part time jobs.
Socio-economic beliefs: Lucinda would be classed as a social climber because she works to buy clothes and make up, she lives for the materialistic things in her life therefore she is classified as a social climber.

Maslows Heirachy of Needs

Abraham Maslow is an American psychologist. He created a “Hierachy of needs” which start from the bottom and reaches to the top. Maslow argues that most people never reach the top which is ‘Self Actualisation’. Our target audience have reached physiolocial needs, safety needs and we categorize them in Belongingness and love needs. We have put them into this group because we believe our intended target audience still need that feeling of accomplishment and we don't think they have achieved one's full potential.