Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Evaluation of AS Coursework

Evaluation of Year 12 AS Coursework

When starting year 13 coursework, we wanted to think about the ways in which we could better ourselves from last year.  So here I want to evaluate the things I think that went well, and the things that perhaps, didn’t.

Firstly ill start with the things I think went well…

In the picture above you can see the colour scheme, title and background of our AS blog.  I think this works well, because it shows knowledge of the stereotypical colours used in a thriller poster, could also link to intertexuality of the thriller genre conventional colours.

I think this screen shot shows a positive aspect of our blog because it shows multi media posts.  We have uploaded a video and then analysed it.  This is good because it creates a more visually dynamic blog and will help gain more points. During our evaluation tasks especially we showed a range of different media texts being used, for example, power-points, videos and also written posts.

In the pictures above you can see there is a poster that we created for promotion, we all felt that the poster we created was really good and effective.  The post underneath is a poster evaluation, so you can see we have planned to get to the stages we reached.

Things we need to improve...

This blog post here looks dull, and only uses one type of media.  It is all typed out and doesn’t include any pictures or videos to make it more entertaining. In year 13 this will be improved to make a better blog.

Above is a word cloud I created online, it shows the words most commonly used on our blog last year.  This has shown me that this year I need to use more media specific terminology whilst blogging.  I understand that doing this will better my grades and help specifically focus on the important parts of the blog.
The word audience is bigger which means it was more commonly used on the blog which means we were focussing on the target audience, this is positive and it good.

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