Monday, September 26, 2011

Codes and conventions of the Pop Genre


The chosen Genre of our music video is pop. The reason we have chosen this genre is because the music is upbeat, catchy, fast past and enjoyable music. We also chose then genre because most song have an emphasis on vocals, rhythm and catchiness that can be played regularly. This will benefit us as we have to film lip singing which is a reliable pace to record
The viewer will have the idea of the codes and conventions of our chosen genre which is Pop as the people playing our characters will be dressed in colourful clothes, dancing and general happy faces. Overall most pop songs are very positive and don’t influence any bad behaviour, language, sex or drugs to young people.

Lyrics tend to help establish a general feeling, mood and the subject matter rather than giving a straight forward coherent meaning. The most important lines will play out visually through the video. A music video will rarely simply show the lyrics as they’re written.

The music of the song is most likely to be upbeat and have a rhyme in the song. Most pop songs have a beat to the song then within the song there the beat will drop for the last verse then for the last chorus the beat comes back. This is most know for pop songs and also played on the radio. 

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